7 Ways To Make The Most of Your Long Weekend

Long weekends are a great chance to rest and recover from the work week. But it’s also the perfect time to get things done. Here are 7 ways to make the most of your long weekend.

Make a To Do list

Making a list of a few things that you want to accomplish over the long weekend can quickly lighten your mental load. Pick a task and get to work! You’ll be able to knock out your to-do list if you can persuade your partner or children to help out.

Tidy up

Throw a load of washing in the machine and do some chores while the clothes are being washed. It’s amazing how much you can accomplish in the hour it takes for the washing machine to finish. You could empty and reload the dishwasher, vacuum the house and clean the toilets.

Have a break

Find some time in your long weekend to make time for yourself. We all know that me-time is important. But when was the last time you took some time for yourself?

Move your body

You probably spend most of your work week sitting at a desk and in front of a computer. Give your muscles a workout and get them moving. A walk around the block or a few stretches is enough to get your blood flowing.

Give back

Volunteer in your local community or for a cause that is close to your heart. Nothing helps put things into perspective (and makes your problems seem insignificant) than helping the less fortunate.

Break the cycle

Break the monotony of the work week by spending time with loved ones. Cook a meal for your family or catch up with your friends over a drink. Or spend some time on the phone to revive those long-distance relationships.

Prepare for the week ahead

Set your self up to have a productive week. Take some time to look over your schedule for the week to prepare yourself and plan ahead. You might find some time during the week to do some household chores, freeing up even more time next weekend!

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